
Fun Themes

Why not make your classroom into a Tropical Rain forest? This is a month long theme we do and is lots of fun to see our room transform into a forest (kind of like "Where The Wild Things Are." At the end of the month we go on a "safari." The kids love it!

•Paper Towels Rolls (one for each child)
•Construction Paper, glue sticks, markers, stickers, sequins anything fun to decorate with.
•Masking Tape
•Wax Paper

~Cover one end of the paper towel roll with wax paper and using the making tape secure it around the tube.
~Using a plastic funnel have the child fill about 1/2 way.
~cover the other end of the stick with wax paper and secure it using the masking tape.
~Decorate with sequences,markers,stickers,construction paper etc
~Shake to hear "the rain"

The Farm