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Thursday, September 29, 2011

5 Little Apples hanging from a tree,
Teasing Farmer Brown "Can't Pick Me,"
Along came Farmer Brown as quiet as can be,
And he picked one apple right out of that tree!
4 Little Apples hanging in a tree,
Teasing Farmer Brown "Can't Pick me,"
Along came Farmer Brown as quiet as can be,
And he picked one apple right out of that tree!
3 Little Apples hanging from a tree,
Teasing Farmer Brown "Can't pick me,"
Along came Farmer Brown as quiet as can be,
And he picked one apple right out of that tree!
2 Little Apples hanging in a tree,
Teasing Farmer Brown "Can't pick me,"
Along came Farmer Brown as quiet as can be,
And he picked one apple right out of that tree!
1 Little Apple hanging in a Tree,
Teasing Farmer Brown "Can't pick me,"
Along came Farmer Brown as quiet as can be,
And he picked that apple right out of that tree!
No more apples hanging in the tree,
Farmer Brown picked them and shared one with me,
The rest are in a pie, as warm as can be,
Topped with yummy ice cream and served with tea!
~Debby Hill

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